Why Join the CIDC

As a member of Carthage Industrial Development Corporation (CIDC), YOU elect a board of directors to conduct business on your behalf.

They serve YOU...without compensation other than the satisfaction of a job well done...

So what’s the big deal...WHY would you want to pay $25?

I mean, what does CIDC do for...YOU?

Do you get ANY bang for your 25 bucks? What did CIDC do for OUR Carthage community?

CIDC did not build and operate the auto parts manufacturing facility...but we made their expansion possible...

  • CIDC did not build and operate the hospital, but we provided the land needed for its construction.
  • CIDC did not create nor does it operate the Tax Increment Financing District for the economic benefits it brings to our community, but we provided upfront funding for its creation.
  • CIDC did not build the IL336 interchange that runs through the east side of Carthage, but we owned the land needed for its borrow pit and for its construction.
  • CIDC did not build the feed mill east of Carthage, but we provided the location and infrastructure to make building it feasible.
  • CIDC will not own any of the businesses that will occupy the Nightingale Addition along the East side of Carthage, but we purchased and improved the property to make it attractive for others to develop.
  • CIDC will not expand the sewage treatment plant as the Carthage community grows, but we own the land where the expansion will take place.
  • CIDC will not build on the 20-acre Wolfe Development at the Southeast corner of Carthage, but in doing so we have further expanded our holdings for future development.
  • CIDC will not build within the 135-acre industrial park on the East side of Carthage, but we own the land where industrial expansion and commercial development will take place.

You see CIDC does NOT do a lot of the things that make the Carthage community a great place to live, work, and play, but we make a lot of those things possible by partnering with the City on economic and community development.

CIDC is a private, not-for-profit, corporation organized under the laws of the State of Illinois.

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  • There are no bids available at this time. Please check back soon.