November 11, 2024 @ 11:00 am - 11:30 am

Veterans Day will be observed on the east side of the Hancock County Courthouse on Monday, November 11 at 11 AM by the Carthage VFW Post 5117, Phillip Hartzell American Legion Post 74, Hancock County Honor Guard, and Boy Scouts of America. Following the Pledge of Allegiane and an invocation by Pastor Micah Seig, VFW, American Legion, and Boy Scouts will present the new flag. The keynote address will be given by US Navy LCMD Brian Hanks (Ret.). The Final Salute will be provided by the Firing Squad with “Taps” performed by Linda Hartweg. A benediction by Paster Seig will conclude the service. Lunch will be served at the VFW after the ceremony. Lunch is open to all. Free will donation appreciated.
Event Venue
Hancock County Courthouse
500 Main Street
United States
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